Analysis of the Factors That Influenced Decision to Purchase of Toyota Rush in PT. Makassar's Hadji Kalla Toyota Branch in Alauddin.
Price, advertising, the image of the brand, the quality of the product, customer satisfaction, and the decision to buy.Abstract
An examination of the elements that influence the Toyota Rush car purchase decision at PT. Hadji Kalla Toyota's Alauddin Branch in Makassar. The purpose of this study is to provide an explanation for the simultaneous (jointly) and partial influence of the factors that influence the decision to buy a Toyota Rush vehicle at PT. Hadji Kalla Toyota's Alauddin branch in Makassar. The primary data for this study were gathered through the use of statistical software tools like SPSS for Windows V21 and multiple linear regression analysis, which combine quantitative methods with survey research methods. Price (X1), advertising (X2), brand image (X3), product quality (X4), and customer satisfaction (X5) are the variables that influence and are influenced in this study, respectively. The people in this study are customers who have purchased Toyota Rush automobiles from PT. 74 people worked at the Hadji Kalla Toyota Makassar Alauddin branch from 2015 to 2019. 74 individuals were chosen from a total of 74 samples using the saturated sample method. The findings revealed: 1) Purchasing decisions are influenced in part and significantly by price; ( 2) Purchase decisions are influenced in part and significantly by advertising; ( 3) Purchasing decisions are influenced in part by a positive and significant brand image; ( 4) Purchasing decisions are influenced in part and significantly by product quality; ( 5) Purchasing decisions are significantly influenced by partial customer satisfaction; ( 6) Buying decisions are influenced simultaneously by price, advertising, brand image, product quality, and customer satisfaction.
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