Study of Consumer Behavior in Understanding and Responding to Content-Based Marketing Strategies


  • ASNUR NS Universitas Hasanuddin, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis



Consumer Behavior, Content Marketing


The research objective is related to the study of consumer behavior in understanding and responding to content-based marketing strategies. The method used in this research is qualitative method. This study uses a literature study with a content analysis approach. The data used is secondary data in the form of writing and graphics sourced from articles and books. The results of the research show that consumer behavior is the buying behavior of final consumers who buy goods and services for personal consumption. Consumer behavior will determine the decisionmaking process in making purchases. Consumer behavior is based on the desire and curiosity of consumers to find products that match their criteria. Company content creators need to know cultural factors, social factors, personal, consumer psychology. The importance of knowing consumer behavior so that marketers can offer products and services that suit the needs and desires of consumers. Consumers who understand and respond well to company content can shorten the buying decision process. Therefore the content presented must be relevant, interesting, and consistent.


