Scientium Management Review <p>Scientium Management Review is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal with a mission. The mission of the Scientium Management Review is to provide thought leadership by publishing articles on managerial practices with organization-wide or cross-functional implications. We seek original theoretical and practical insights into general management in all types of organizations.<br />We are global in orientation and welcome submissions rooted in empirical research or novel business solutions in all fields related to general management, including (but not restricted to): strategy, leadership, corporate governance, international business, decision-making, change management, and corporate social responsibility. We also seek articles written from a functional perspective, such as finance, marketing, or supply chain management, provided these demonstrate links to cross-functional and general management topics. We aim to increase the relevance of developments in individual disciplines for general managers.</p> Scientia Integritas Utama en-US Scientium Management Review 2962-8318 ANALISIS PENGARUH MOTIVASI KERJA DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA PT CAHAYA MULIA TOYS <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study aims to determine the factors that affect the performance of employees at PT. Cahaya Mulia Toys.&nbsp; These factors are motivated crimes and the working environment.&nbsp; Employees who have the motivation and a good working good working environment will have a positive impact to the organization, so as to achieve organizational goals. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of motivation and work environment on employee performance.&nbsp; Data collection method used is by interview and questionnaire to the respondent.&nbsp; Data were analyzed using quantitative method and descriptive method. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The results of the research showed that the regression coefficient of Y = -11.032 + 0.62X₁ +0.71X₂.&nbsp; Means if no policy on work motivation (X₁ = 0) and work environment (X₂ = 0), then the employee performance (Y) amounted to-11.032.&nbsp; while if the increased work motivation (X₁ = 1), The performance of employees (Y) will be increased by 0.62 and if the work environment improved (X₂ = 1), the performance of employees (Y) will be increased by 0.71. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;From the calculation of multiple correlation coefficient is that the value r1y = 0,879, these results suggest that there is a strong&nbsp; and positive relationship that the work motivation (X₁) on employee performance (Y). R2y value = 0,656 these result indicate that there is a strong correlation between the positive and work environment (X2) on employee performance (Y). The correlation coefficient between work motivation (X₁) and working environment (X₂) on employee performance (Y) by 0.879.&nbsp; value determination coefficient Kd = 77.26% Based on the results of hypothesis testing using t-test statistical analysis, the value of t1 count equal to 9.765&gt; t table 2.048.&nbsp; means Ha accepted and Ho rejected. And the significance of influence and relationships work environment on employee performance is obtained t2 count of 4.599 &gt; 2.048 means Ha accepted and Ho rejected. While the result of calculations using analysis f test values obtained f hitung 45.87 &gt; f table values of 3.35, means Ha accepted and Ho rejected. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thus it can be concluded that motivation and work environment together have an influence on the performance of employees of PT. Cahaya Mulia Toys.</p> Yayan Yanuari Copyright (c) 2024 Scientium Management Review 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 2 3 643 649 10.56282/smr.v2i3.547 THE IMPACT OF COMPETENCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE THROUGH ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHF BEHAVIOR AS INTERVENING <p>The purpose of this study is to: (1) Analyze the effect of competence on employee performance; (2) Examine the influence of organizational commitment on employee performance; (3) Investigate how competence affects organizational citizenship behavior (OCB); (4) Assess the effect of organizational commitment on OCB; (5) Evaluate the impact of OCB on employee performance; (6) Investigate the effect of competence on employee performance with OCB as a mediating variable; (7) Analyze the effect of organizational commitment on employee performance through OCB as an intervening variable. The study focuses on the population of 43 permanent employees at the Electricity Company in Kendari City. Since the population is fewer than 100, all permanent employees were selected as respondents. Data analysis was conducted using the Partial Least Square (PLS) methodology. Based on the findings, the researcher recommends using OCB as a mediator between competence and employee performance at the Electricity Company in Kendari City and encourages the continued use of OCB as a mediator in the relationship between competence and employee performance.</p> Sulistiani Syafitri Nurwati Sri Wiyati Mahrani Ryan Saputra Alam Copyright (c) 2024 Scientium Management Review 2024-11-18 2024-11-18 2 3 635 641 10.56282/smr.v2i3.533