Scientium Management Review <p>Scientium Management Review is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal with a mission. The mission of the Scientium Management Review is to provide thought leadership by publishing articles on managerial practices with organization-wide or cross-functional implications. We seek original theoretical and practical insights into general management in all types of organizations.<br />We are global in orientation and welcome submissions rooted in empirical research or novel business solutions in all fields related to general management, including (but not restricted to): strategy, leadership, corporate governance, international business, decision-making, change management, and corporate social responsibility. We also seek articles written from a functional perspective, such as finance, marketing, or supply chain management, provided these demonstrate links to cross-functional and general management topics. We aim to increase the relevance of developments in individual disciplines for general managers.</p> Scientia Integritas Utama en-US Scientium Management Review 2962-8318 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AS AN EFFECTIVE EFFORT TO ACHIEVE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN COFFESHOP BUSINESSES <p>Human Resource Management (HRM) has an important role in achieving competitive advantage in the coffeeshop business. This research identifies the important role of HR management in creating competitive advantage through several key aspects including HR planning, recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and evaluation. Having qualified and competent employees is very important to be able to provide the best service for customers. By improving the ability of coffeeshop employees, in addition to being able to provide high-quality services, this will be an advantage to distinguish them from competitors. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with 4 research subjects. The result is that to achieve a competitive advantage, HR management must play an active role in managing human resources strategically. By doing good HR planning, proper recruitment and selection, employee development, and effective performance evaluation, the coffeeshop business can achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in this increasingly competitive market.</p> A. Nurul Asma Dini Nuraeni Kadir Fauziah Umar Copyright (c) 2023 Scientium Management Review 2023-10-16 2023-10-16 2 2 603 613 10.56282/smr.v2i2.433 THE EFFECT OF COMPANY SIZE AND LAVERAGE ON STOCK RETURN WITH RETURN ON ASSETS AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE IN GOVERNMENT-OWNED COMMERCIAL BANKS ( STUDY ON GOVERNMENT-OWNED COMMERCIAL BANKS 2017-2021 PERIOD) <p><em>Study This aim For analyze influence Environment Work , and Leadership Style to loyalty employee through satisfaction Work as intervening variables at Bone Arasoe Sugar Factory . Data used in study This is the primary data obtained from questionnaire . Method taking sample use method … As for the amount sample used _ a total of 113 employees remained at the Arasoe Bone Sugar Factory . Method analysis used _ is method descriptive statistical analysis and analysis path (Path Analysis) with SPSS application Version 25 for windows. The results of research on pathways First show that Environment Work and Leadership Style influential positive and significant to satisfaction work at Bone Arasoe Sugar Factory . Whereas results research on pathways second show that Environment Work , Leadership Style , and Satisfaction Work influential positive and significant to Loyalty employees at Bone Arasoe Sugar Factory .</em></p> Ifa Laratifa Basri Mursalim Nohong Andi Aswan Copyright (c) 2023 Scientium Management Review 2023-10-16 2023-10-16 2 2 563 585 10.56282/smr.v2i2.402 ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF COMPANY COSTS ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT PT. PLN (PERSERO) BAKARU SECTOR <p>PLN Metamorphosis, one of which is aimed at changing and improving corporate culture, is an idea to revitalize corporate cultural values ​​which should be the basis of employee behavior at work. Through the Visioning Management Forum of PT. PLN (Persero) has succeeded in formulating Vision, Mission and Values.</p> <p>The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the influence of corporate culture which includes mutual trust, integrity, caring and learning to influence the performance of employees of PT PLN (Persero) Barru Sector. This study uses a questionnaire and has a sample of 79 employees. The analytical method used is Multiple Linear Regression</p> <p>Research resultThe research findings show that both partially and simultaneously the variables of mutual trust, integrity, caring, and learning have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT PLN (Persero) Bakaru Sector. Of the four independent variables used in determining the level of employee performance, it turns out that the learning variable has a dominant influence in improving the performance of PT PLN (Persero) Bakaru Sector employees.</p> Ratna Ningsih Hasty Nurdin Brasit Jusni Copyright (c) 2023 Scientium Management Review 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 2 2 627 633 10.56282/smr.v2i2.399 ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF WORK ENVIRONMENT AND LEADERSHIP STYLE ON EMPLOYEE LOYALTY WITH JOB SATISFACTION AS INTERVENING VARIABLES AT BONE ARASOE SUGAR FACTORY <p><em>Study This aim For analyze influence Environment Work , and Leadership Style to loyalty employee through satisfaction Work as intervening variables at Bone Arasoe Sugar Factory . Data used in study This is the primary data obtained from questionnaire . Method taking sample use method … As for the amount sample used _ a total of 113 employees remained at the Arasoe Bone Sugar Factory . Method analysis used _ is method descriptive statistical analysis and analysis path (Path Analysis) with SPSS application Version 25 for windows. The results of research on pathways First show that Environment Work and Leadership Style influential positive and significant to satisfaction work at Bone Arasoe Sugar Factory . Whereas results research on pathways second show that Environment Work , Leadership Style , and Satisfaction Work influential positive and significant to Loyalty employees at Bone Arasoe Sugar Factory .</em></p> Wahyunur Mursalim Nohong Abdul. Razak Munir Copyright (c) 2023 Scientium Management Review 2023-10-16 2023-10-16 2 2 537 553 10.56282/smr.v2i2.390 THE INFLUENCE OFiWORKiMOTIVATION ANDiCOMPETENCE ONiEMPLOYEE PERFORMANCEiIN MIDDLE SCHOOLS VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (SMK) – MIDDLE SCHOOL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (SMAK) MAKASSAR <p>Human resources or employees areian important factorifor everyiorganization, becauseiwithout humaniresources theigoals andiobjectives ofian organizationior companyiwill notibe achievedias planned. Humaniresources areinot onlyiseen asian elementiof productionibut alsoias humansiwho haveiemotions andipersonalities thatican beiused as aiforce toidrive aniorganization oricompany. Theipurpose ofithis studyiwas toianalyze theieffect ofiwork motivationiand competenceion employeeiperformance atiSMK - SMAK Makassar City. Theitotal populationiin thisistudy were alliemployees ofiMakassar CityiVocational High Schools, totaling 59 people. Theisample usediin thisistudy isithe entireipopulationiof 59 people because theitotal population is below 100. This researchiwas conductediusing aisurveyiapproach, theitype ofiresearch conductediwasidescriptive quantitative. Dataicollection wasicarried outiusingiquestionnaires, literatureiand observation. Data analysisiused descriptiveiand inferentialistatistics (multipleilinear regression). Theiresults ofithis studyiindicate thatisimultaneously theivariables ofiwork motivationiand competence haveia positiveiand significantieffect oniemployee performanceiat SMK - SMAK Makassaricity. While partially, workimotivation hasia positiveiand significantieffect oniemployeeiperformance. Likewise, competenceihas aipositive andisignificant effection employeeiperformance. Data analysisiused descriptiveiand inferentialistatistics (multipleilineariregression). Theiresults ofithis studyiindicate thatisimultaneouslyithe variables ofiwork motivationiand competenceihave a positiveiand significantieffect oniemployee performanceiat SMK - SMAKiMakassar city. While partially, workimotivation hasia positiveiand significantieffect oniemployee performance. Likewise, competenceihas aipositive andisignificant effection employeeiperformance. Data analysisiused descriptiveiand inferentialistatistics (multipleilinear regression). Theiresults ofithis studyiindicate thatisimultaneously theivariables ofiwork motivationiand competenceihave a positiveiand significantieffect oniemployee performanceiat SMK - SMAK Makassaricity. While partially, workimotivation hasia positiveiand significantieffect oniemployeeiperformance. Likewise, competenceihas aipositive andisignificant effection employeeiperformance.</p> febrianti nur Musran Munizu Wahdah Copyright (c) 2023 Scientium Management Review 2023-10-16 2023-10-16 2 2 507 521 10.56282/smr.v2i1.323 Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja, work life balance terhadap kinerja yang dimoderasi oleh flexible working arrangement pada PT Bina Artha Ventura 3 Makassar <p>This examine objectives to determine the reaction of working ladies to the implementation of do business from home as a shape of adaptation during the pandemic at PT. Bina Artha Ventura, knowing the impact of work from home, job pride, and work life balance on the overall performance of lady employees at PT. Bina Artha Ventura throughout the Covid 19 pandemic duration and knowing the impact of the work from home variable as a moderator on the connection between activity satisfaction and paintings existence balance on performance among girl people at PT. Bina Artha Ventura in the course of the Covid 19 pandemic length. The facts used consisted of primary and secondary facts and changed into analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results confirmed that PT. Bina Artha Ventura had made adaptations to running hours earlier than, all through and after the Covid-19 pandemic but this edition method acquired a poor reaction from operating girls due to excessive working hours and running days at some point of the post-pandemic duration. The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that job satisfaction, work life balance, and flexible working arrangements have a positive and partially significant effect on the performance of female workers at PT. Bina Artha Ventura during the Covid-19 pandemic period. The results of the moderation regression analysis show that the Flexible Working Arrangement is able to moderate the relationship between Work Life Balance and Performance in female workers at PT Bina Artha Ventura during the Covid-19 pandemic period but does not significantly moderate Job Satisfaction with Performance.</p> Nur Sri Wahyuni Idayanti Nursyamsi Andi Reni Copyright (c) 2023 Scientium Management Review 2023-10-16 2023-10-16 2 2 615 626 10.56282/smr.v2i2.443 THE EFFECT OF SERVICE QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF PENSION SAVING BANK NATIONAL (BTPN) BRANCH SUNGGUMINASA <p>The National Pension Savings Bank (BTPN) has come a long way, since it was founded in Bandung, West Java in 1958, and then changed its name in 1986 to become the National Pension Savings Bank. BTPN began being listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange in 2008 and a year later added a financing business to micro business complements the pension banking service portfolio. Recognizing the current challenges, that companies are required to change the way they do business, we decided to take a step further, by creating and launching “Daya” in 2011. Based on the “Opportunity and Call” business philosophy, Daya present by offering an opportunity to all BTPN <em>stakeholders to participate in the mission to empower millions of mass market </em>in Indonesia.</p> <p>In the regression equation, there are 2 negative variables and 3 other positive variables, meaning that if the independent variable increases, the dependent variable decreases and if the independent variable decreases, the dependent variable also increases. Because there are several factors from the item of each variable that influence the assessment of service quality so that there is an asymmetric flow between the independent and dependent variables.</p> <p>From the results of the regression coefficients obtained, it shows that the direct evidence factor (b1 = 0.000) then responsiveness (b3 = 0.000) and assurance (b4 = 0.000) are the distribution factors that affect customer satisfaction, then reliability (b2 = 0.010), while empathy ( b5 = 0.723) is a factor that does not affect customer satisfaction at all.</p> Wahyudi Dian Parawansa Fahrina Mustafa Copyright (c) 2023 Scientium Management Review 2023-10-16 2023-10-16 2 2 585 602 THE INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATION AND COMMUNICATION QUALITY ON EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY AT PT. PLN (Persero) SECTOR TELLO MAKASSAR <p>This research aims toanalyze the influence of motivation and quality of communication on employee productivity at PT PLN (Persero) Sector Tello Makassar.This research was conducted using a quantitative approach and a survey.The population consists of all employees of PTPLN (Persero) Tello Sector in Makassartotaling 134 people with the sampling method in this study using the full sample method.</p> <p>The results showed that (1) motivation is the most influential variable on employee productivity because it has the largest correlation coefficient value. This means that the increase in employee productivity is highly dependent on the motivation that underlies or encourages employees to work and (2) the quality of communication has a significant effect on productivity which indicates that employees who have high perceptions of the quality of communication tend to establish good relationships and create close communication. and harmony among fellow employees so as to increase productivity.</p> Usman H Djabir Hamzah Sumardi Copyright (c) 2023 Scientium Management Review 2023-10-16 2023-10-16 2 2 555 561 10.56282/smr.v2i2.400 ANALYSIS OF FACTORS INFLUENCING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE CASE STUDY AT BULOG PERUM REGIONAL DIVISION SOUTHEAST SULAWESI <p>This study aims to analyze; 1). Effect of Financial Compensation on Employee Satisfaction. 2). The Effect of Financial Compensation on Employee Motivation, 3). Effect of Financial Compensation on Employee Performance, 4). Effect of Non-Financial Compensation on Employee Satisfaction, 5). Effect of Non-Financial Compensation on Employee Motivation, 6). Effect of Non-Financial Compensation on Employee Performance, 7). Effect of Satisfaction on Employee Motivation, 8). Influence of Motivation on Employee Performance The analytical method used is Parth Analysis.</p> <p>The research results show the following findings; 1). Giving financial compensation and non-financial compensation in general gives a very good assessment, as well as in the path analysis has a significant influence on satisfaction. Even though the path coefficient between financial compensation and satisfaction gives a negative or non-unidirectional path relationship. However, the empirical phenomenon is that financial compensation for employees is very adequate or at a sufficient level of welfare. 2). Financial compensation has a significant influence on motivation, and the path coefficient relationship is positive or unidirectional so that any additional financial compensation will increase employee motivation. 3). Influence between financial compensation variables and performance, in this study proves that there is no significant effect, but there is a unidirectional relationship or a positive relationship. This means that if financial compensation is increased, performance will also increase even though this increase does not have a real impact on employee performance. 4). There is a significant influence between non-financial compensation on the level of employee satisfaction, and the path coefficient has a positive or unidirectional relationship. 5). Non-financial compensation has a significant influence on employee motivation, and the path coefficient has a positive or unidirectional relationship. 6). Non-financial compensation has a significant effect on performance but the path coefficient of the relationship gives a negative value or is not unidirectional. 7). Satisfaction factors are generally considered very good, and has a significant effect on motivation and the path coefficient has a positive or unidirectional relationship. Means this variable can measure employee motivation. 8). Motivational factors have a significant influence on employee performance and the value of the regression coefficient is positive or unidirectional, and this variable can measure employee performance.</p> Wahyudi H Djabir Hamzah Hj Nurdjanah Hamid Copyright (c) 2023 Scientium Management Review 2023-10-16 2023-10-16 2 2 585 602 10.56282/smr.v2i2.392 INTEGRATED MARKETING ANALYSIS ON BRAND UNDERSTANDING AND ITS IMPACT ON CUSTOMER LOYALTY OF MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN THE FASHION SECTOR IN MAKASSAR CITY <p>The research objective is to analyze integrated marketing on brand understanding and its impact on brand understanding and customer loyalty. The research approach used is a quantitative approach. The location of this research is the MSME SMEs in the fashion sector in Makassar City. The sample size is 132 MSME actors. The collection technique uses simple random sampling. The data collection method used is a questionnaire. The analytical method used is path analysis and the Sobel test. The results of the study prove that: 1. Integrated marketing has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. 2. Integrated marketing has a positive and significant effect on brand understanding. 3. Brand understanding has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty.</p> azwar ramadhana anasrullah Copyright (c) 2023 Scientium Management Review 2023-10-16 2023-10-16 2 2 523 536 10.56282/smr.v2i2.389