Scientia Business Law Review (SBLR) <p><strong>Focus and Scope</strong></p> <p>Scientia Business Law Review aims to provide detailed assessment of key areas of business law, to identify the developments and changes in business law, and to be the reputable source of information on business law globally. </p> <p>Scientia Business Law Review publishes articles on contractual law, commercial law, corporate law and governance, insurance law, intellectual property law, securities and capital markets law, employment law, financial law, financial institutions, law and finance, financial distress and bankruptcy law, insolvency law, competition law, data protection, joint ventures, tax law, company law, commerce law, business dispute resolution, and related subjects.</p> <p> </p> en-US (Mochamad Nuruz Zaman) (Ryan Saputra Alam) Fri, 03 Mar 2023 00:58:21 +0000 OJS 60 Tentang Struktur Hukum dalam Pengampunan Pajak <p>Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang telah menerapkan beberapa kali pengampunan pajak sejak tahun 1964 sampai dengan tahun 2022. Namun, seiring dengan meningkatnya penggunaan pengampunan pajak di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia, perlu pembelajaran atas penerapan pengampunan pajak yang selama ini telah dilaksanakan dengan menganalisis dan membahas bagaimana peran struktur hukum dalam mengoptimalkan pengampunan pajak. Disimpulkan bahwa struktur hukum berupa kelembagaan mempunyai peran penting dalam optimalisasi pengampunan pajak di Indonesia, dimana DJP dan didukung penuh pemangku kepentingan lainnya, seperti Mahkamah Agung, KPK, Jaksa Agung, Polri, OJK, dan PPATK, berperan penting dalam mengoptimalkan pengampunan pajak di Indonesia.</p> Leo B. Barus Copyright (c) 2023 Scientia Business Law Review (SBLR) Fri, 30 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Debtors’ Protection on Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations <div> <p>Lawsuits of Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payment Obligations (<em>Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang</em>&nbsp;or PKPU) are still easy weapons for financial institutions against debtors who are in arrears in paying their debts. In fact, a settlement can be made that should not impose further losses on the debtor, who has to sign a contract that benefits the creditor. Based on normative juridical studies, two conclusions are produced. First, the Bankruptcy and PKPU Law, Consumer Protection Law,&nbsp;<em>Otoritas Jasa Keuangan</em>&nbsp;(OJK) Law, P2SK Law, and POJK-7/POJK.05/2022 have not been able to protect debtors in the financing sector in the event of a bankruptcy and PKPU lawsuit. Second, ideally, consumer protection in the event of bankruptcy and PKPU in the financing sector in Indonesia is carried out by making regulations that enable consumers to report injustices they receive to independent consumer protection institutions and commercial courts and dispute resolution institutions between consumers as debtors and creditors. It must implement electronic options to provide certainty of justice and public benefits to the parties, especially consumers. It is recommended that in the future, there be recommendations from independent consumer protection institutions regarding standard contracts for financial institutions as well as commercial courts and online dispute resolution institutions.</p> </div> Henry Dianto P. Sinaga, Joni Emirzon Copyright (c) 2023 Scientia Business Law Review (SBLR) Thu, 22 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 PRELIMINARY EVIDENCE AUDIT AND TAX ASSESSMENT NOTICE IN THE RESPONSIVE LAW PERSPECTIVE (Part 2 of 2) <p>P<span lang="EN-US">embentukan dan penegakan hukum </span>dalam pemeriksaan bukti permulaan di bidang perpajakan belum mencerminkan tujuan hukum, yakni berdasarkan&nbsp;keadilan<span lang="EN-US">, kepastian hukum, dan kemanfaatan public, dan belum mencerminkan fungsi perpajakan yang utama, yakni fungsi budgeter dan fungsi mengatur. Berdasarkan metode yuridis normative dengan mempergunakan bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier, dihasilkan 2 (dua) kesimpulan. Pertama, </span>belum terdapat&nbsp;<span lang="EN-US">peraturan perundang-und</span>a<span lang="EN-US">n</span>g<span lang="EN-US">an perpajakan ihwal penerbitan tax assessment notice dalam pemeriksaan bukti permulaan di Indonesia</span>, sehingga mengabaikan tujuan pemungutan pajak yang harus adil, berkepastian, dan berkemanfaatan<span lang="EN-US">. Kedua, konsep hukum yang ideal dalam penerbitan SKP dalam pemeriksaan bukti permulaan di Indonesia</span>pada masa yang akan datang adalah dengan menerapkan ketentuan pemeriksaan bukti permulaan yang berorientasi fungsional, pragmatik, bertujuan, dan rasional, dan kompetensi dalam pelaksanaannya. &nbsp;</p> Henry D. P. Sinaga, Anton Hartanto Copyright (c) 2023 Scientia Business Law Review (SBLR) Fri, 30 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000