of Sustainable Development Issues2024-05-06T11:28:18+00:00Mochamad Nuruz Journal Systems<p>Journal of Sustainable Development Issues (JSDI) is an international-standard journal with double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal published by Scientia Integritas Utama (Scientium). JSDI carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of Environment, Economics and Society with Sustainability. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work.</p> <p>The scopes of the journal include, but are not limited to, the following fields: climate change, ecology and sustainable development, waste and water management, renewable and sustainable energy, environmental technologies, green construction and sustainable development, sustainable land development, environmental economics and policy, urban planning and development, social sciences and humanities, social impact assessment, and sustainable of agricultural systems.</p> PLURALISM IN RURAL LAND RESILIENCE2024-05-06T11:28:18+00:00Reny Y. Sinagasinagarenyy@gmail.comLe B.<p>The prevailing Food Law, Sustainable Agricultural Land Law, and Village Law have yet to be effectively implemented, considering that the sustainable fulfilment of the country's food needs can only be optimally achieved based on the diversity of local resources. The Food Law, Sustainable Agricultural Land Law, and Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2019 have yet to address the consistency in the declining contribution of food crops to GDP from 1990 to 2019 and have not rectified the decrease in agricultural land between 2013-2018. A concept of legal reform has been developed, emphasizing a system or order in land resilience in villages to strengthen sustainable food security in Indonesia. Legal reform of this system or order can prevent and handle all forms of ongoing misuse of agricultural land. The transformation of its universal values begins with enacting public opinions as monitoring and corrective actions originating from the village community itself, filtered through village deliberation institutions, followed by collective decision-making and accountability, resulting in developmental actions from supra-village governments.</p>2023-04-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Sustainable Development Issues SUSTAINABLE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN INDONESIA USING THE BALANCED SCORECARD2023-05-22T07:11:35+00:00Elvrida N.<p>The quality of education in Indonesia internationally is not satisfactory, considering that the quality of education is only ranked 64th out of 120 countries (based on the 2012 UNESCO Education For All Global Monitoring Report), the Education Development Index is only ranked 57th out of 115 countries in 2015 , and its Human Development Index ranks only 110th out of 187 countries. This greatly disrupts the 2030 sustainable education target, in fact the state has regulated the functions and duties of school committees in each school in Indonesia. Based on the literature review, this study produced two conclusions. First, the school committee's business processes as stipulated in the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 75 of 2016 cannot run optimally because they have not focused on strategic communication and performance management. Second, school committees should implement the balanced scorecard (BSC) in improving the quality of education through the report per semester of the headmaster continuously and transparently.</p>2023-10-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Sustainable Development Issues ETNO-ORNITOLOGI BURUNG DI KAWASAN KAMPUS UNIVERSITAS SUTOMO SERANG BANTEN SEBAGAI BENTUK KEARIFAN LOKAL MASYARAKAT 2023-09-07T15:41:47+00:00IIK NURUL<p>Dalam perjalanan sejarahnya, manusia dan lingkungannya selalu memiliki interaksi dan ketergantungan untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Interaksi ini telah membentuk pengetahuan yang unik bagi manusia. Begitupun dengan kegiatan sehari-hari yang seringkali melibatkan lingkungan dan semua aspek biologi di dalamnya. Salah satunya adalah peranan manusia dalam memanfaatkan hewan untuk bekerja, berwirausaha, bersosialisasi bahkan sampai pada kegemaran pribadi. Misalnya saja burung, tidak hanya menjadi salah satu hewan yang dikembangkan karena memiliki nilai ekologi, tetapi juga masyarakat memanfaatkan burung pada banyak kegiatan berdasarkan pengetahuan lokal yang mereka miliki. Di lingkungan Universitas Sutomo, terhampar persawahan dan lahan-lahan kosong yang luas menjadikan habitat asli dari burung ini terjaga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya 7 jenis burung yang ada di sekitar lingkungan Universitas Sutomo dan berdekatan dengan pemanfaatan masyarakat. Jenis-jenis burung tersebut mencakup Cikukur atau Deruk (<em>s</em><em>pilopelia chinensis</em>), Perkutut (<em>g</em><em>eopelia </em><em>s</em><em>triata</em>), Kuntul Kerbau (<em>b</em><em>ubulcus ibis</em>), Burung Hantu atau buek, kokok beluk (<em>s</em><em>trigiformes</em>), Pipit atau gereja (<em>p</em><em>asser montanus</em>), Sunda woodpecker atau caladik tilik (<em>p</em><em>icoides moluccensis</em>), dan Walet Linci (<em>c</em><em>ollocalia linchi</em>). Burung-burung ini memiliki berbagai asosiasi kepercayaan turun temurun dari masyarakat. Pemanfaatannya pun beragam, mulai dari dimanfaatkan dagingnya, sebagai pengusir hama, hingga dijadikan sebagai obat tradisional. Beberapa jenis burung sengaja dipelihara oleh masyarakat, sementara yang lain dibiarkan hidup sebagai hewan liar. Habitat burung-burung ini juga beragam, sesuai dengan makanan yang mereka konsumsi. Misalnya, burung kuntul kerbau (<em>b</em><em>ubulcus ibis</em>) hidup di perairan karena memangsa ikan atau cacing.</p>2023-10-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Sustainable Development Issues