Journal of Entrepreneurship and Financial Technology 2023-12-29T04:28:52+00:00 Mochamad Nuruz Zaman Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Entrepreneurship and Financial Technology present new opportunities for all sectors of the economy. Today, economy is undergoing fundamental changes as a result of the rapid development of information technology and its use is also very fast. Especially the dynamics of the development of informatics and its products and business development opportunities based on the use of Internet technology have enabled the growth of the role and importance of using information technology in business processes in terms of the new economy or digital economy. The world economy has changed due to the great development and application of this technology. Enterprises are forced to survive in a modern economy where the global market is characterized by competition, diversity of products and services and short cycle life of the product. In terms of the digital economy, information technology creates opportunities for specialization and cooperation between companies from different regions by reducing transaction costs, creating ease of access to foreign markets and facilitating the development of new models of electronic business. The purpose of this paper is to present the importance of information technology in economy, computerization trends and the opportunities offered by this technology where consumers have quick and easy access on the global market, as well as in information about goods and services. In the condition of digital economy the usage of information technology provide businesess with new opportunities to access global markets and also develop business activities on-line. The full realization of these potentials is essential for new enterprises and companies which can compete and create competitive advantage globaly.</p> ANALISA STRATEGY PEMASARAN DAN DISTRIBUSI PRODUK BABY DIAPERS MERK SWEETY DI REGION SULAWESI 2023-08-15T06:33:06+00:00 Nasrum Nasir <p><em>In today's era, human activities are very busy, so every individual wants things to be more practical, including for the needs of everyday life. Every year the population is increasing. The number of babies born is increasing. In line with that, one of the most important baby needs is baby diapers. Due to the human desire for practical activities, the use of disposable baby diapers has also increased. Based on this, the need for disposable baby diapers has also increased. This is a potential or potential market share for entrepreneurs or companies to produce baby diapers. Therefore, currently there are many choices of baby diapers available in the market. This has led to the emergence of competition among baby diaper manufacturers, including the Sweety brand Baby Diapers, both at the national level and in the Sulawesi Region. This study aims to examine the appropriate strategy carried out by Baby Diapers with the Sweety brand in distributing and marketing in the Sulawesi Region. In this study, the SWOT matrix analysis was used to analyze internal and external factors so that an appropriate strategy was obtained in distributing and marketing sweety baby diapers products.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the research resulted in alternative strategies: Maintain product quality, increase horizontal and vertical distribution, maintain program continuity, maintain competitive prices, improve human resource competence.</em></p> 2023-12-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Entrepreneurship and Financial Technology Implementation of Performance Management and Training on Employee Performance 2023-08-15T06:36:16+00:00 hendra winarta Nuraeni Kadir Andi Aswan <p>The achievement of an corporation is largely determined by way of effective human resource management, due to the fact human assets have a chief position in organizational activities. The concept of human useful resource management is a technique of planning, organizing, directing and supervising the sports of procurement, improvement of repayment, integration, maintenance and release of human resources so that organizational dreams can be found out. what is the relationship between implementation of performance management, education on employee performance? There are still few researchers who explore this query. This study aims to (i) analyze and examine the effect of performance management implementation variables on employee performance; (ii) analyze and test the effect of training variables on employee performance; and (iii) analyze and examine the dominant variables influencing employee performance. This research is included in the category of survey research. This research was conducted at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero), Makassar Regional. This research was conducted within 2 (two) months. The population and sample in this study were all permanent employees of 71 people. Data collection techniques used closed questionnaires which were distributed to all respondents. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the performance management implementation variable and the education and training variable had a positive and significant effect on employee performance both partially and simultaneously. The performance management implementation variable has a dominant influence on employee performance</p> 2023-12-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Entrepreneurship and Financial Technology