Journal of Business Issues
<p>Journal of Business Issues (JBI) is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on research articles and case studies in all academic fields of business discipline. The journal's scope covers a broad range of areas related to business studies, including interdisciplinary topics and newly developing business areas. Submissions comprise theoretical and empirical research articles, case studies, and literature reviews.</p>Scientia integritas Utamaen-USJournal of Business Issues2985-4911SWOT and AHP Analysis of Strategy Selection in Optimizing Work Units
<p><em>PT Semen Tonasa is one of the cement producers in Indonesia and is part of PT Semen Indonesia. Since 2015, cement sales have reversed due to supply being greater than demand. This condition requires cement producers to work hard to increase their sales or reduce costs in order to survive. One of the company's efficiency programs is to reduce equipment maintenance costs by increasing preventive maintenance to reduce corrective maintenance. The operational disturbance control work unit is tasked with controlling equipment operational disturbances and is corrective maintenance. To increase preventive maintenance, the maintenance strategy must change by optimizing the business process of the operational disturbance control work unit. From the results of the study that has been conducted using strong weakness opportunity threats (SWOT) and analitycal hierarchy process (AHP) analysis, it shows that the operational disturbance control work unit is in quadrant 1 with a value of X = 1.24 and Y = 0.94 which is aggressive in making several changes. This study aims to test and analyze decision making in optimizing the work unit.</em></p>Setiawan YatmanMuis MahliaAmar M Yunus
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Business Issues
2023-12-302023-12-302213915410.56282/jbi.v2i2.528EFFECT OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION, SWITCHING COST, AND TRUST IN BRAND TO CUSTOMER RETENTION (Case Study on GO-JEK E-Commerce customer students in the department Management of the Faculty Economics UNM)
<p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh Customer Satisfaction (X1), Switching Cost (X2), dan Brand Trust (X3) terhadap Customer Retention (Y) Mahasiswa Layanan Pelanggan Bisnis GO-JEK Jurusan manajemen UNM. Survei ini mencakup konsumen yang menggunakan atau pernah menggunakan layanan GO-JEK sebanyak 1.038 orang. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 92 orang dengan menggunakan rumus slovin. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dengan menggunakan dua metode uji statistik yaitu. uji simultan (uji-F) dan uji parsial (uji-t) dengan menggunakan Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, persamaan regresi berganda adalah Y = 7,317 -0,202 X1 0,367 X2 0,517 X3 e Hasil hipotesis uji F menunjukkan bahwa F-hitung (20,290) > F-tabel (2,31) dengan tingkat signifikansi (tabel dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,0>0,010) <0,290. 000 <0> t larik (1,661) pada taraf nyata <0,610,0,010 larik (1,661) 0 dan lt; 0,05 yang berarti variabel X3 (Kepercayaan terhadap merek) berpengaruh positif secara parsial terhadap variabel Y (Retensi Pelanggan).</p> <p> </p>Muhammad Thaher
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Business Issues